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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Eminent Personalities of Odisha

Fakir Mohan Senapati (1843-1918)
Fakir Mohan Senapati was born in a Khandayat family in a small village ‘Malli Kashapur’ near Balasore town. His father died when he was at the age of one year and five months only. His mother also died after 14 months of the death of his father. His grandmother brought him up. He used to remain ill when he was an infant. His grandmother usually took him to the fakirs. His name was originally Brajamohan. His grandmother changed his name to Fakir as a dedication to the Fakirs she used to take him.
A Master in the art of writing short stories, he injected a new life in Oriya literature in an environment of gloom and despair. His sence of humour remains unsurpassed in Oriya literature. Discarding romantic themes, he wrote about the common man and his problems. Senapati could rightly be compared with the 20th Century great novelist like Premchand and Bibhutibhusan Banerjee. Eventhough he had no formaleducation, he proved to be an enlightened teacher, painter and a great administrator. In his writings, Oriya Nationalism was the dominant theme. As a recognised literary poet, Senapati has made his place secure as a great prose writer in Oriya.
He established a press at Balasore in the year 1868 by the name “Utkal Press”. He published various magazines from time to time in the name of “Bodhadayini”, “Nabasambad” and “Sambad Bahika”. He was the President of the annual conference of “Utkal Sahitya Samaj” held in 1912. He went to visit ‘Satyabadi School’ in1915 and was very much impressed of the works of Gopabandhu. The annual conference of Utkal Sahitya Samaj was held at Cuttack in March 1917 where he was the ‘President’. He gave birth to the modern Oriya literature. He wrote many stories, novels and poetry. His autobiography was Orissa’s first and foremost admirable self-character. He was the key creator of modern Oriya short stories and novels. He was one of the main leads among the other authors who wrote against the cruelty of British rule. He revolted against the conspiracy to suppress the Oriya language, which was going on at the time. Due to his steps for the establishment of Oriya press, publishing of Oriya books, newspaper and literature magazine, Oriya language could survive which would otherwise have been a history forever. His literature consisted completely of pure Oriya and melodrama, his unscathed image in the society and his revolutionary social ideology. He was an eminent laureate, writer, poet, editor, critic and administrator. He is remembered as “Vyasa Kabi”. His contribution to Oriya language and literature is unforgettable.
Fakir Mohan was the father of Modern Oriya prose-fictions and uncrowned monarch of the Oriya Language Movement. He was a versatile genius. He had a chequered career and covered almost all the fields of literature. He was a successful poet, a pioneer novelist, a top ranking short-story writer, an essayist, a translator, a travelogue writer, a critic, a satirist, an ardent social reformer par excellence, a capable administrator, a premier publisher and printer, an editor, a journalist and what not. His vast and varied intellectual pursuits place him as a brilliant and outstanding POLYGLOT.
Fakir Mohan Senapati relentlessly and single handedly fought for the survival of Oriya language and claimed a special status in the mainstream of national linguistic order. One of the preconditions of this, is carrying out education through Oriya language in the Oriya speaking tract. He emphasized and worked upon the publication of books in Oriya. He set himself to translate the text books from other languages, wrote Oriya Grammar, the basic note and Biographies in his early literary era. This multi-faceted personality had an eventful life with intriguing details. The Oriya nationalist movement marked the dawning of Orissan Renaissance during 19th century episodes.

Utkal Gourav Madhusudan Das (1848-1934)
First Oriya to get the Degree of M.A. B.L. from Calcutta University. Took a valiant stand for unification of scattered Oriya tracts. Emerged on the Eastern horizon as a symbol of new hope and aspiration of all Oriyas. Was the founder of Utkal Sammilani, architect of Oriya movement and pioneer in the field of industrial development. Acclaimed as a great Legislator and Journalist, he was the first Oriya to be the member of Legislative Council and Member of Central Legislative Assembly and was the first to sail overseas. He had the distinction of being the first Indian Minister.
Utkal Gauraba Madhusudan Das was a great legislator and journalist who rose as a symbol of new hope and aspiration of all Oriyas. He was the founder of the English magazine named 'The Oriya'. His poem 'swalpa hele sudha' revealed love for the Oriya community. He was the member of administrative council of Orissa, Bihar and Bengal for around thirty years from 1896. He had served the office of the minister for self-administration and health for Bihar and Orissa from 1921 to 1923, the post which he eventually resigned owing to differences with the British.
Madhusudan Das was also a reputed industrialist. Acclaimed as an eminent lawyer and administrator, Utkal Gauraba Madhusudan Das passed away in 1936.

Pandit Gopabandhu Das ( 1876-1928)
Pundit Gopabandhu Das took birth in a noble Brahmin family in a village called Suando situated on the banks of river Bhargabhi in the district of Puri. After completing his education from the village school he passed his "Entrance" from the District School of Puri" in the year 1899. He passed his B.A from Revenshaw College in 1904 and later passed B.L. from Calcutta University in 1906.
Aptly described as the Gandhi of Orissa, Pandit Gopabandhu Das played a pivotal role in the formation of a separate province of Orissa. Born and brought up in an atomsphere of Brahminical orthodoxy, he shattered the shackles of narrow caste barriers. A Law Graduate from the Calcutta University. He was an active sentinal of Oriya Movement, Freedom Fighter and a great social reformer. As an educationist he was responsible for establishment of Satyabadi School at Satyabadi in the Puri District. Imbued with patriotic fervour the students of Satyabadi School were known as indefatigable fighters against British Imperialism. Gopabandhu regarded politics as an instrument of service to the people. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, Gopabandhu was one of the Noblest Sons of Orissa. His spirit of service and sacrifice finds an apt echo in his following lines.
“Let my body mingle in the dust of my motherland and let my countrymen walk across it”.

Nilakantha Das (1884-1969)
Secured M.A. Degree in Philosophy from Calcutta University. Spurned an offer of a lucrative job by the British Govt. and preferred to serve as the Head Master of Satyabadi High School. Endowed with a profound erudition he became a legendary figure in his life time. A powerful speaker, his speaches in Central Legislative Assembly and Orissa Legislative Assembly have left an indelible impression on Legislative history. He was a rare amalgam of a Writer, Editor, Speaker and Author. Author of an excellent commentary of Geeta. His epics are considered as Master piece of Oriya Language. A distinguished freedom fighter and a revolutionary, he inspired the youth to fight against untouchability and other social evils. Led the movement for amalgamation of outlying Oriya tracts and was a symbol of Oriya culture.

Biswanath Das (1989-1984)
Biswanath Das was born in Polasara village of Ganjam district. He finished his matriculation from Victoria high school, cuttack. He passed his graduation from Ravenshaw college in 1916 and B.L. form Calcutta university in 1918. He started his law practice as a Junior Lawyer under Madhusudan Das. In 1920 he started his law practice in Berhampur. He served the country as a lawyer.
An eminent Freedom Fighter, able Statesman, remarkable Administrator, astute politician and a Charismatic leader. He was elected as the president of the Ganjam District Board in the year 1920 and joined the Non-cooperation movement in response to the call of Mahatma Gandhi in 1921 after giving up his lucrative law practice. Continued to be a member of Madras Legislative Assembly from 1921 to 1930. Gave up the membership of the Madras Legislative Assembly in 1931 and joined Salt Satyagraha. As a great Patriot led the peasant movement and fought for the creation of a separate Orissa Province. He had the distinction of being elected as Prime Minister of Orissa. Resigned from the Prime Ministership on 4th November 1939 at the bidding of Indian National congress. In 1950 got elected to Lok Sabha and became the President of Utkal Pradesh Congress Committee. He was appointed as the Governor of Uttar Pradesh. A noble son who has left an indelible impression on a resurgent Orissa.
Biswanath Das has formed many laws to help the farmers. He was the president of the Utkal Sammilani held at Berhampur. He was the President of the Orissa Pradesh Congress committee during 1948 to 1953 and 1955 to 1956. He has established the ‘Veda Bhawan’ in the four holy dhamas of India. He has also contributed 1lakh Rupees for the p[romotion of Sanskrit education. He was interested in the cultural development of India and so he was related to many cultural organisations. He used to contribute them financially also. He was a person of high morale and was very disciplined. He was very religious.

Gajapati Maharaja Krushna Chandra Dev ( 1892-1974)
An Architect of modern Orissa. He attended the first Round Table Conference in London on 16th November 1930 wherein he made a fervent appeal for creating a separate province of Orissa on the basis of Language and homogeneity.
After Orissa was granted separate statehood in 1936, Krushna Chandra Dev was twice elected as the Prime Minister of the state. Utkal University, Medical College, Orissa High Court, and the Agricultural Research Center took shape during his rein. He adored the Oriya literature and the artworks of Orissa and was instrumental in establishing a permanent theatre at Paralakhemundi for promoting cultural activities. He also played an important role in the agricultural development of the state.
He will be remembered as the architect of modern Orissa who had revolutionized the social and economic fiber of the state.
As an eloquent spokesman of Oriyas, he was felicitated by Madhusudan Das, the father of modern Orissa. As a scion of illustrious Ganga Ruler he espoused the cause of the poor and downtrodden. Later played an important role in bringing together the vivisected parts of Orissa and laid the foundation of United Orissa. He was a member of old Madras Legislative Council, a member of royal commission of Agriculture and a member of Orissa Legislative Assembly. He was twice elected as Prime Minister of Orissa. He was an Educationist, Freedp, Fighter, Social Reformer and a champion of the poor. He established a permanent theatre at Paralakhemundi for promoting cultural activities.

Biju Pattanaik ( 1916-1997)
Biju Pattnaik was born in Cuttack. His father Laxmi Narayan Pattnaik belonged to a village called Nuagan situated near Bhanjanagar and was Munsif in Cuttack. Biju Pattnaik had completed his education from Cuttack Mission School, Revenshaw Collegiate School and Revenshaw College. He went for pilot training while he was studying his B.Sc. After completion of his pilot training he was employed as an airplane pilot in the Indian National Air Force. Besides being a good student he was also interested in sports and games. He went on a tour from Cuttack to Peshawar on his bicycle. He used to help in distribution of relief during the floods. He was associated with Pundit Gopabandhu Das. The police offended him when he had been to see Gandhi during his visit to Cuttack. He was inspired by Mahatma Gandhi’s struggle for freedom moment. He used to take Jayaprakash and many more such freedom fighters to secret places in his plane. When the British government came to know this he was sent to jail on 13-01-1943. He was freed in 1945. After that he took part in politics.
He was elected for the Vidhan Sabha for the first time in1946 from Cuttack on behalf of congress party. He became the President of Utkal Congress Committee in 1961. Third general election for the Orissa Vidhan Sabha took place only because of his efforts and under his leadership. Congress won 87 seats out of 140 seats. He was the Chief Minister from 23 –06-1961 to 01-10-1963. As per the Kamaraj Yojna he resigned from the post of Chief Minister. Biren Mitra succeeded him. He was the President of Rajya Yojana Board from 1963 to 1965. He resigned from congress party in 1970 and formed a new party called Utkal Congress. In 1971 elections his Utkal Congress party could manage to win only 33 seats. He joined Utkal Congress party hands with Bharatiya Lok Dal in 1974 and became the president of the local branch. He also was the opposition leader. He was in jail for 18 months during in 1975 national emergency. He played a major role in formation of the Janta Dal in 1976. He was elected for the Lok Sabha in 1977 from the Janta Party and became the Cabinet Minister for Steel & Mines in the center. He had a major hand in making V.P.Singh the Prime Minister of India. In 1978 he became a member in Charan Singh’s Janta(S) party and remained as the minister in the center till 1980. He was the leader of opposition of Vidhan Sabha in 1985. During the 9th election for the Vidhan Sabha that was held in 1990 Janata Party had won 123 seats out of 140. Congress could manage to win only 10 seats. Biju Pattnaik became the Chief Minister for the second time after a gap of 27 years on 05-03-1990. Congress got the majority in 1995 and Janaki Ballav Pattanaik became the Chief Minister. As a result Biju Pattnaik had to resign on 14-03-1995.
Biju Pattanaik was a trained pilot of acknowledged competence. Had special interest in Science and Technology and was responsible for instituting the prestigious International Kalinga Prize. He was the pioneer of Industrial movement in Orissa and was the head of Air Transport command during the war (1940-42). An indefatigable freedom fighter, he led the underground movement for freedom of the country along with Shri Jayaprakash Narayan, Dr. Ram Mohan Lohia and others. Landed first platoon of troops in Srinagar during attack by Pakistani raiders. Suceeded in safely airlifting the Indonesia leaders during war. He was honoured by the Indonesia Govt. as “BHUMIPUTRA”. Elected to Orissa Legislative Assembly from 1952. Chief Minister of Orissa from 1961-1963 and 1990-1995. Member, Rajya Sabha 1980-1984 and 11th Lok Sabha from 1996-1997. Union Minister of Steel from July 1977 to January 1980. He had the distinction of laying the basic infrastructure for development of Orissa. Special mention could be made of Paradeep Port, MIG Factory at Sunabeda, Ferro Silicon Complex at Theruvali, Hydro Electric Power Project Balimela. Thermal Power Station, Talcher, Engineering College, Rourkela, Engineering College and Medical College at Burla, Express High Way linking Dairari with Paradeep, Sainik School, Regional College of Education, Bhubaneswar, Regional Research Laboratory of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology and many others.
He was a great visionary who worked relentlessly for the uplift of the people of Orissa.

Chandra Sekhar Behera ( 1873-1936)
Eminent Freedom Fighter, first lawyer in Sambalpur, Chardra Sekhar Behara was born on 20th May, 1873 in Dhankauda Village near Sambalpur Town. Remembered for his dedicated works for restoration of Oriya Language in Western Orissa, Chandra Sekhar was actively concerned with the freedom movement and was jailed for several times. He was involved in a good no. of socio – political and cultural organizations. He was instrumental in the activities of Utkal Sammilani in formation of the separate statehood for Orissa. Chandra Sekhar breathed his last on 23rd January, 1936.
Chandra Sekhar Behera of Sambalpur was a leading freedom fighter and an active participant in the Non-Cooperation Movement. He consolidated the National freedom movement in Sambalpur region and merged his activities with the Indian National Congress. He was a founding member of the National School of Sambalpur started on lines of Satyabadi Vana-Vidyalaya founded by Gopabandhu Das. As the chairman of Sambalpur Municipality, he received Gandhijee in Sambalpur in 1928. Organised a mass movement against illiteracy and untouchability.

Netaji Subash Chandra Bose
Netaji Subash Chandra Bose was born in Cuttack. At that time his father Janaki Nath Bose was an established lawyer. Netaji completed his schooling from Missionary School and later on passed his matric in 1913 from Revenshaw Collegiate. He went to Calcutta and studied in the Presidency College. Then later on he passed his ICS Exam from London with distinction. He was a brilliant student. He always used to stand first. While he was a student he was involved in social welfare work like helping in the treatment of the poor patients, people suffering from floods, helping the poor and needy.
When he returned from London after his studies, the then political situation gave inspiration to his revolutionary and patriotic thoughts. He did not love his job as a Civil servant and left his job to join in the struggle for independence. He went to jail for 11 times from 1921 to 1941. He was first Mayor in Calcutta Corporation. He leaded the self-care Congress committee and proved himself by his works. He became the President of Indian National Trade Union Congress in 1931. He became the President of National Congress in 1938. He selected Harekrushna Mahtab from Orissa during this period for the Congress working committee. Before this no person was taken from Orissa in the Congress working committee. Netaji won the election that was held for the President of Congress in 1939. But due to some misunderstanding and mismatch with thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi he resigned from the congress and formed a new political party in the name of ‘Forward Block’. After he came to Orissa many other leaders like Pundit Nilakantha Das, Godabarish Mishra, Dibakar Patanaik etc. had joined the forward block. During the Second World War, the British under strict vigil kept him in jail. But he fled from the jail in a dramatic manner in 1941 and could not be traced. He formed “Ajad Hind Fauj” or “The Indian Army” with the help from countries of Germany, Japan and Italy. He then fought against the British for the Indian independence. He formed an Independent Indian Government staying abroad. His Ajad Hind Fauj freed Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Manipur from the British rule and declared separate independent states. But it was fortune that did not favour him and the Germans and the Japanese lost in the world war and his aim was not fulfilled.
He died in 18 August 1945 while he was travelling in an airplane from Singapore to Tokyo in the crash. But his death due to plane crash still remains an unsolved mystery. He played a key role in the making India free. He believed in freeing India from the hands of the British rule. Had he been alive after Indian independence he would surely have been an uncontested leader. His words “Jai Hind” till today inspires all Indians for patriotism. He loved his birthplace Orissa. He took steps to make Orissa a separate state. He used to exchange letters with Pundit Gopabandhu. While he was in jail he wrote letters to Gopabandhu. He wrote letter to an eminent Bengali writer to write a book on Konark while he was in jail. He being a famous personality of India as well as in the whole world, the people of Orissa should be proud of his works and honours.

Harekrushna Mahatab
Harekrushna Mahatab took birth in a small ‘vaishya’ family in Agarpada of Balasore district. After completing his matric from Bhadrakh High School he joined in BA in Revenshaw College. He left BA in 1921 and took part in the struggle for freedom. After that he took active part in politics and in serving for the country. He took part in ‘Pada Yatra’ of Orissa in 1921, which was started by Mahatma Gandhi. He became the Sampadak of Balasore district congress committee in 1921. He became the President of Balasore district board in 1924. He was the President and Sampadak of Pradesh Congress Committee in 1929 and remained in the post for many times. When Subhas Chandra Bose was the president of congress he was the first person from Orissa to be the member of Congress working committee. Since he took part in active politics he always used to hold high post in congress party of the state and center. He took part in “Quit India Movement” in 1942 and was sent to jail from 1942 to 1945.
After Indian independence there were about 500 odd states in India. Mahatab played an important lead role in uniting these states into bigger ones for which his name shall be written in golden words in the Indian history forever. This was started from Nilagiri province of Orissa. To maintain the law and order in the province of Nilagiri, Mahatab took the permission from Indian government on 14-11-1947 and Orissa ruled over Nilagiri. This was the first province to get united under the state in all over India. After this incident Sardar Patel signed an agreement on 14th and 15th December 1947 when 25 such provinces were united and brought under the rule of Orissa. After this the path opened for the other provinces to get united similarly. This was an excellent example of Mahatab’s experience in politics and his diplomacy. He played an important role in this union of provinces into bigger states. His other works includes shifting of capital of Orissa from Cuttack to Bhubaneswar, plan for the building of Hirakud dam and plan for power generation at Duduma waterfall. He also owes credit in establishment of Orissa high court, inauguration of wireless center at Cuttack, establishing Utkal University at Bhubaneswar, establishment of steel plant at Rourkela etc He has also contributed a lot to the field of literature and journalism. He has written many fruitful books in English and Oriya that includes history, novels, stories and poems. His book ‘Gan Majlis’ is a new step in the history of Oriya literature. He started “Prajatantra” from 1923 as a weekly magazine. Now this is one of important daily newspapers existing in Orissa. He also started a magazine “Jhankar” in Oriya literature and another children’s magazine “Minabajar”. He also started a function on literature, which was held every year and hosted by Prajatantra. He was honoured doctorate degree from the Andhra University, Utkal University and Sagar University. The Kendriya Sahitya Academy also awarded him. He was associated with many institutions. He had visited many countries like England, America, France, Japan, and Africa. For around five decades he played an important role in the politics of Orissa. He was well versed and had gained expertise in politics and diplomacy. He left behind many eminent personalities of Orissa in the field of politics and was able to reach to a respectable position. But 18-05-1947 was a dark day in his political career where he had to loose from the leaders of the center when ‘Kharasuan’ and ‘Sareikala’ was taken away from Orissa and was mixed in the state of Bihar. He was a freedom fighter, socialist, educator, philosopher, historian, writer, editor, administrator and a famous leader. He is popularly known as “Utkal Keshari”.
After the second Vidhan Sabha elections in 1946, Harekrushna Mahatab assumed office as the chief minister of Orissa and continued in the office till 1950. He also served as a cabinet minister in the ministry of Jawaharlal Nehru in 1950 and later became the governor of Maharashtra. Owing to the political crisis that hit Orissa in 1956, he resigned from the governorship of Maharastra and took charge as the chief minister of Orissa. He was also a member of the parliament from 1961 to 1967. After resigning from the Congress in 1973, he ended his political career. He was put behind the bars for protesting against the declaration of national emergency in 1975.
Harekrushna Mahatab had played an important role in the integration of states. Acclaimed as a writer and poet, his book ‘Gan Majlis’ is considered as a new step in the history of Oriya literature. Honored with doctorate degrees from the Andhra University, Utkal University and Sagar University, Mahatab spend his entire life for the uplift of the people of Orissa. Popularly known as Utkal Keshari, this eminent statesman died in 1987.


  1. Thanks . You Must come with Odisha's Wonderful Natural Beauty . Thanks

  2. these people are one of the dimond's of odisha but they will get sad when they see from heaven from what condication the people of odisha r going on.
    dear sir cm govt of odisha
    as per MOU(2006) signed between starlite energy ltd and industrial department of odisha had not fulfilled any need mentioned in MOU agreement. we the un employed people of jharsuguda r not getting any jobs in any industries. although jharsuguda is the main industrial belt of odisha but the peaple of jharsuguda r not getting any opportunity for jobs wheather they r skilled or unskilled. but peaple r getting jobs those who not from jharsuguda. for ex :- vedanta & other companies under vedanta had not a single office at jharsuguda .where the un employed peaple will drop there resume channi radha engg works had taken 500 + peaple from tamil nadu evonik energy had taken resently 40 peaple from bbsr .few days ago vedanta own had filled 340 + peaple but not a single person from jsg .
    as per dist employment exchange officer he had not a single person recruitted in any industry. peaple r getting jobs hear at jsg from other village, other town ,other dist, other state, not only this from other countries also . but we r not getting any jobs .
    sir kindly solve our problem for which we shell b very greatful to u.
    thanking u sir
    praveen (un employed)


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