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Friday, March 27, 2009

Festival an d Fairs in Odisha : History beyond Remarks
A large number of festivals and fairs are celebrated in Odisha. Festival makes Odia lives more active and live . These differ from tribe to tribe, from caste to caste ,place to place and also from region to region. It was/is/will be an imperative part of rural as well as urban Odisha. Some fasts and Oshas are also undertaken by individuals in fulfillment of personal vows-either for one's own personal interest or in interest of one's loved ones or family.Vital of these events Odisha Witnesses beyond the time are :

Chandan Jaata/Chandan Jatra
Chandan Jatra is celebrated for twenty-one days in the month of 'Jaishtha' (May-June). When a smaller replica of Lord Jagannath is taken to the sacred tank for boating after being smeared with 'chandan' or sandal wood paste. It is other wise also called as NaabaKeli. As in case of a human being ,so as in case of it’s Lord also this is celebrated and aimed at providing cool comfort and relief from the summer heat. This is celebrated at places where there is a Jagannath temple and a lot of joy goes with it when pilgrims gather together. The main centre of this fair is at Puri, the celebrated 'Shrikhetra'; the original seat of Lord Jagannath.

Chandrabhaga Mela
Chandrabhaga Mela begins on the seventh day of the bright fortnight in the lunar month of Magha (January-February) and continues for seven days. It is held at the mouth of sacred Chandrabhaga river near the famous temple of Konarka. This sacred site figures in the myth of shamba of the Mahabharata days who was cured of his leprosy by worshipping Lord Surya, the Sun God. The Sun Temple of Konarka and the sacred site refer to the prevalence of a strong solar cult in the coastal Odisha. It is believed that whoever takes a bath in the Chandrabhaga will be cured of leprosy and bareness.

Maha Shiva Ratri
Shiva Ratri is the most important festival in the annual cycle of rituals which is celebrated in the month of Phalguna (February-March.). The fair draws pilgrims from villages and towns around and devotees fast till after mid-night when the sacred lamp (Mahadeepa) is taken to the temple spire. It is observed in a most sacred manner in respect of Lord Shiva . In odisha along with other temples of Shiva , it is observed most extensively in the palace of Lord Lingaraj in Bhubaneswar.

Dola Jatra
Beginning with the Purnima or the full moon day in the lunar month of Phalguna(February-March). The Radha and Krishna images from the Vaishnava temples begin the ritual journey to some important centres of congregation or Melana. With Holy or sprinkling of red 'abira' powder and chanting of bhajan and kirtan, the devotees come in a procession with images of Radha and Krishna carried in the Vimanas( Royal Vehicles) to the site of the fair. The deities pay a visit to several villages on their trip and receive homage and offerings from devotees. At the site of the fair chanting of spiritual songs and recitation of the Bhagavata and other scriptures are usually organised. The main message carries is all are same in this world and live with love and affection.
Rama Leela
The fair is held in honour of Lord Rama to celebrate the victory of virtue over vice Raavana. It is celebrated in some villages and towns in Odisha in the month of Chaitra (March-April). The masks of Rama, Raavana and others of the Ramayana myth are worn by characters in a dramatic re-enactment of the epic happenings. This is accompanied by music and singing and is presented in the form of folk opera. At last burning of the huge effigy is also practiced in Odisha.

Dandanata and Danda Jatra
The performance of strong belief and sacrifice to Lord is Dandanata. It is derived from 'Danda' a pole and 'nata' a dance which is performed in a fair called 'Danda Jatra'. This is celebrated in the month of Vaishaka (April-May). This fair is celebrated through dance, song and physical feats and the pole represents of Lord Shiva. The devotees are called 'Bhokta' and there are thirteen in a 'Danda' party. The leader is 'Pata Bhokta' , who leads a life of abstinence for twenty-one days prior to this festival. The Bhoktas move from village to village and perform at a house only when invited. The Bhoktas roll on the hot sand in the mid-day sun of summer, dance, and sing praying for the welfare of house holder. Whether someone in the family is childless or poor or suffering from some incurable diseases, the householder usually vows to become a 'Bhokta' next time if his miseries are removed.

Variations of 'Danda Jatra" are foundlike Jhamu Jatra consisting of walking on a trench of fire, and the another one is 'Uda Jatra" or Uda Patna in which the devotees are hooked from their back muscles and are swung high round a pole.

The austerities and physical sufferings include walking on fire, piercing the back with sharp nails, using poisonous snakes as garlands and making them sting the body, piercing the tongue or walking on a sharp sword edge etc, apart from fasting and abstinence. These are aimed in order to please and secure booms from Lord Shiva.
Patua Jatra is observed in the month of Vaishakha and aimed at propitiation of Lord Shiva for boons. The months of Chaitra and Vaishakha are specially sacred for Shiva worshippers or the 'lower castes' presumably derived from Buddhist society. The same physical tortures for spiritual benefit are undergone and they overlap in time and in the rituals with the variations of Dand Jatra.

Rath Yatra
The world famous an big spectacular chariot festival is held at the famous Jagannath temple at Puri. Rathyatra is also known as Car festival. This festival is celebrated in the month of Asadha, on the second day of the lunar fortnight (June-July).
Rathyatra is celebrated in honour of God Jagannath who is believed to be an incarnation of Vishnu. The legend goes that Indradyamna, the king of Avanti went to Puri to have darshan of Vishnu but he found that the god had disappeared. The sage Narada assured Indradyamna that Vishnu would appear to him in the temple form of 3 wooden images. When a big tree, radiant with light was seen floating in the sea, Narada told him to make 3 idols out of it and place them in a pavilion. Indrayamna got Visvakarma the architect of Gods, to build a magnificent temple to house the idols and Vishnu himself appeared in the guise of a carpenter to make the idols on condition that he was to be left undisturbed until he finished the work. Unable to control his curiosity, Indradyamna went to see Vishnu at work at which the latter abandoned his work leaving the images unfinished. But a divine voice told Indradyamna to install them in the temple.
The 3 images represent the god Jagannath, his elder brother, Balabhadra and their sister, Subhdra. On the day of the festival the images are taken out in procession in three chariots to their summer temple i.e Mausimaa mandira for a week.

This festival is followed by ‘Baahuda Jatra’ – the return trip of Rath Jatra of three deities from their Mausimaa to Shrimandira.

Pana Samkranti ( Makar Sankranti Or Odia New year)
Makara Sankranti marks the commencement of the sun's journey to the Northern Hemisphere (Makara raasi), signifying the onset of Uttarayana Punyakalam, and is a day of celebration all over the country. The day begins with people taking holy dips in the waters and worshipping the Sun.

Pana Samkranti or Chhatua Samkranti is celebrated to mark the first day of the solar month (mid of the April). On this day a small pot with a hole at the bottom filled with 'pana' or sweet drink made from Belvwa etc. is hung on a basil (Tulsi) plant. The falling of water from the pot symbolizes the falling of rain and thus this Samkranti marks the commencement of rainy season and of the cultivation cycle. The people of coastal Odisha ceremonially consume the flour of horse gram (chhatua) after offering it to the basil plant.

Makar Sankranti is celebrated in the month of 'Magh' and is a harvest festival. It is a celebration of spring on the occasion of the 'ascent' of the sun to the north (Uttarayana). It is a day of goodwill and friendship.

Special puja is offered as a thanksgiving for good harvest. According to folklore, girls who take the holy dip get handsome husbands and boys get beautiful brides.

Akshaya Trutiya
Akshaya Trutiya is celebrated on the third day of the bright fortnight of the lunar month of Vaishakha. This important festival is held in every farming household. It is symbolized by the ceremonial sowing of paddy in the field. Oblation is offered to the goddess of destiny, 'Shathi'. This is the most auspicious day to start the construction of house buildings, digging of tanks and wells. This is the day on which the construction of the chariots for Ratha Jatra of Lord Jagannath and his brother and sister starts.

Rajo is one of the most popular and beautifully celebrated festivals of Odisha, though it is not observed in western Odisha. The first day of the Rajo festival is always celebrated in the last day of the solar month of Jaishtha. The festival continues for three days – Prathama Rajo, Rajo Sankranti and Sesha Rajo . It is believed that the Earth goddess had started to menstruate on the first day of the Rajo and after the third day she is taken to a ritual bath and returned to normalcy. So this is called as the menstruation period of the earth, so the earth is to be avoided like a woman. Therefore men and women avoid touching the earth.

Practically for three days there is a complete stoppage of work(for both farmer and plough cattles) and especially boys and girls take to the swing and sing the typical Rajo songs. Singing, merry-making, feasting and display of gymnastic feats and playing games become the most important preoccupations for this three days. Mitha Paana and Pouda Pitha are main attractions in this festival . On the fourth day, when the earth is ritually clean and is ready for fertilization, the ceremonial ploughing is undertaken in the paddy fields.

Gahma Purnami
This festival is celebrated as a merry festival of 'Gahma Purnei', on the full moon day of the lunar month of Shravana and is especially auspicious to agriculturists. On this day, cattle, especially plough cattle, are colourfully decorated and given special offering and are worshipped as 'Go-Lakshmi'. That is the day of rest for the cattle.

Garbhama Samkranti
This festival is celebrated on the first day of the solar month of Karthika. This is the time when the paddy plants or the ears of corn are forming. This is compared to pregnancy and hence the name 'Garbhma'. These pregnant rice plants represent Lakshmi the Goddess of wealth and fertility and are worshipped with offerings in the paddy fields. They believe that through supernatural intervention a huge quantity of corn will thus harvested. All the family members eat to their heart's content. It is celebrated with most dedicative and sincerely.

Kumar Purnima
This festival is celebrated on the full moon day of the lunar month of Ashwina bring untold pleasure to the unmarried boys and girls. The worship of moon God is held at home as Janha Mamu (Moon, the maternal uncle.) brings them various delicacies and new clothes. New dresses are prepared for all members in the family and celebrated with joy and eating of many sweet items in a get together family.

In the sacred month of Karthika many people forego their favourite non-vegetarian dishes till Karthika Purnima as part of sacred ritual. The day after the full moon is the great day of release from this religious taboo and all indulge in non-vegetarian dishes to their heart's content.

This festival is celebrated for the well being of the first born in the family, whether boy or girl. The celebration falls on the eighth day of the lunar month of Margashira. Oblations are offered to God Ganapathi to protect the child against all hurdles in life. The child is given a new dress, feasted and blessed by the parents and other elders and friends. Generally elder sons and daughters are newly dressed and welcomed in this celebration.

Shamba Dashami
The festival is celebrated on the tenth day in the bright fortnight in pousha lunar month. As per the myth Lord Krishna's son, Shamba, was cursed by a sage and he could get rid of his leprosy. The deaded disease only by worshipping the Sun God at Arka tirtha, which is located on the Konark beach in Odisha. Women fast and worship Sun at dawn, midday and dusk and offer a variety of rice cakes and other delicacies.

The karma is a famous autumn festival which starts from the eleventh day of the bright fortnight of the month of Bhadrab and continues for some days in the month of Ashwina. The festival is celebrated in most of Odisha's villages in Sambalpur and Phulabani districts.
The story behind this celebration goes: six sons of a rich merchant set sail in a ship for trade, leaving the youngest brother at home. When they returned they saw to their amazement that their wives danced in the 'Karma' festival, while the youngest brother was playing on the drum. Being enraged, they drove away their wives. At this, 'Karma' (the god of fortune) got angry and all their wealth vanished. They repented for their folly of driving out the goddess of wealth along with their wives. With the counsel of their wives they went in search of the God of fortune and met a milkman on the way. The latter requested them to ascertain from the God why the number of his cows was fast decreasing. After some time they saw a strange man bearing on his head a piece of broken earthen pot with fire burning in it, and another man carrying a husking peddle on the shoulder. The next man they met was shivering in the suffering of these persons from the God and the means of getting free from them. The God after due worship was kind to them and on return they found that their house was filled with gold and jewels.

Mana Basa or Gurubara Osha
Worship of Goddess Lakshmi by the farmer with plenty of harvesting is Mana Basa. At the time when the paddy in the low-lying fields is ripe and harvesting has begun. Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth has blessed the cultivator and is to be thanked and the family members rejoice in the bounty.
It is a weekly celebration of the worship of the goddess with varieties of cakes and other delicacies in every Thursday which is considered to be the day of Lakshmi. The goddess is represented by a special variety of whitish paddy put in a grain measure ('Mana'). The lady of the house fasts and worships the goddess. Only the members of the family can partake of the oblations. Otherwise, goddess Lakshmi may leave the household of the worshipper. The concluding festivities of the last Thursday of the month are most elaborate.

Dutiya Osha or Dutibahana Osha
Thi fast is observed on the eighth day of the dark fortnight of the lunar month of Ashwina for the fecundity of the luckless women. Women who are barren or are delivering still-born children or whose children have died. Worship the deified Dutibahana born of a Brahman widow and austerities by abstaining even from water. Various fruits are offered to the goddess who is credited with many great miracles with all sanctity and Blessings.

Sudasha Vrata
Sudasha Varta is observed by women on the tenth day in bright fortnight when it falls on Thursday. Lakshmi the Goddess of wealth is worshipped with offering of 10 steamed rice cakes (manda) under great austerities. With sacred thread of 10 strands, 10 knots are made praying to Lakshmi in her 10 forms and numes and tying together 10 grains of raw-rice and 10 blades of durva grass in a sacred leaf, an arm band is formed and worn for religious merit, prosperity and well being. In the myth a King had got back his kingdom and wealth as his wife observed Sudasha Vrata.

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